Chris Cotteta

Chris Cotteta

Location: Asheville, NC


Chris is a leadership development consultant who’s worked with a wide range of organizations in industries including pharma, tech, engineering, and retail (to name a few) during his nearly 10-year career. He works in all phases of leadership development, from needs assessment to program design to facilitation. He most enjoys hearing directly from program participants or potential participants to understand their needs, interests, leadership context, and prior experiences so he can create customized learning experiences that get to the heart of what the leaders are looking for.

As one of the longest-tenured employees of AIIR Consulting, he has cultivated expertise in many domains including leader-as-coach, team effectiveness, inclusive leadership, strategic thinking, and self-leadership, among others. He played an instrumental role in developing AIIR’s Coaching Mindset Index and Team Effectiveness Survey, while also helping to launch the Team Effectiveness service line before transitioning fully into Leadership Development.

Chris is passionate about learning. As a lifelong learner himself, he enjoys finding ways to engage people's minds and develop the interest and motivation to acquire new skills. To that end, he is constantly looking for new and better ways to construct learning experiences to maximize interactivity, peer learning, thoughtful reflection, and other types of learning experiences that lead to insight and meaningful change.

Chris holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Temple University.


  • English

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