AIIR's Technology Platform

Technology that enhances the experience and increases results

AIIR’s Technology Platform

Organizations pour $370 billion per year into coaching and leadership development initiatives. Yet, most are difficult to manage , impossible to measure, and void of the data-driven insights necessary for meaningful impact.

Talent professionals told us that they spent up to 60% of their time tracking coaching engagements. However, only around 20% are satisfied with the outcomes of their talent development initiatives, and few can demonstrate ROI, leaving many organizations questioning their investment.



Coaching Zone® gives you an easy overview of all your organization's engagements in one place. Coaching engagements are automatically configured and visible as soon as you order them.



The comprehensive HR Dashboard gives you effortless oversight. Understand which engagements are online, see how each is progressing, and know which engagements are stalled, at a glance.



Real-time standardized results from all of your engagements, measured against a comprehensive set of leadership skills identified by one of the largest-ever studies of coaching outcomes.

Game-Changing Tools for HR and Talent Management

Coaching Zone® empowers you to make strategic, data-driven talent decisions in real-time with award-winning analytics. We measure results from coaching engagements against a comprehensive set of leadership KPIs based on one of the largest-ever studies of coaching outcomes ever. Then, we put that information in an easy-to-understand report.

Learn More About How AIIR’s Technology Empowers Our Clients

An enhanced coaching experience, effortless oversight and control of your programs, real-time insights, award-winning analytics, and unparalleled results.

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