AIIR Leadership Development

Powerful off-the-shelf and bespoke leadership consulting solutions to equip your leaders with the skills to navigate change and shape a better future.

AIIR® Leadership Development designs and delivers world-class learning experiences to equip aspiring, new, and seasoned leaders with the skills they need to overcome the challenges they face and meet the evolving needs of their organizations.

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Built on Industry-Leading Design Principles

AIIR® Leadership Development leverages a combination of immersive learning, coaching, and behavior sustainment strategies to design learning experiences that deliver lasting change.

Blended Modalities


We combine in-person and virtual leadership development solutions to maximize learning integration and minimize work disruption.

Multi-Dimensional Learning

Multi-Dimensional Learning

We approach leadership development with personalized assessments, interventions to build belief and generate new insights, and immersive skill-building experiences.

Behavior Change

Sustained Behavior Change

AIIR maximizes sustained leadership behavior change by building in reinforcement strategies throughout the leadership development experience.

Data Science


Proprietary measurement and analytics built on the largest-ever study of coaching outcomes helps you prove real-world results.

Delivered as Innovative In-Person or Virtual Workshops

Strategic Self-Awareness


Leading with a Coaching Mindset

Manager Effectiveness

Purpose: Helping leaders understand their strengths, development opportunities, and how they want to leverage feedback for success

By the end of this session, leaders will be able to:

  • Clearly articulate their strengths and development opportunities
  • Identify patterns in their behavior and break behavior cycles
  • Operate less reflexively and more strategically

This workshop is ideal for:

  • New leaders
  • Leaders in industries or organizations experiencing change
  • Leaders that want to optimize their performance or “level up”

Duration: 90 minutes
Available Formats: In person, Virtual

Purpose: Giving leaders practical tools to develop personal resilience by challenging the status quo and building the grit muscle as they tackle business problems and challenges

By the end of this session, leaders will be able to:

  • Discuss the difference between a know-it-all and learn-it-all culture
  • Transform complacent cultures by personally challenging the status quo
  • Create new and novel approaches to persevere through business challenges through grit and reframed thinking

This workshop is ideal for:

  • Leaders in industries or organizations experiencing change
  • Leaders that want to be more agile
  • Leaders that feel overwhelmed by disruption

Duration: 90 minutes
Available Formats: In person, Virtual

Purpose: Helping leaders understand the different coaching mindsets – directive, engaged, independent, supportive – explore their preferred style, and how they can flex for different situations

By the end of this session, leaders will be able to:

  • Recognize the coaching mindset they currently lean towards
  • Flex their coaching style depending on different context and needs of the team members they coach
  • Apply practical tactics to manage challenging coaching conversations

This workshop is ideal for:

  • Leaders charged with growing and developing team members
  • Leaders that want to spend less time managing and more time empowering
  • Leaders in flat or matrixed organizations that need leadership at all levels

Duration: 90 minutes
Available Formats: In person, Virtual

Purpose: Supporting leaders in their transition from individual contributor to leader by differentiating expectations and performance in both roles

By the end of this session, leaders will be able to:

  • Express their team’s purpose as it relates to business expectations and goals at their organization
  • View their team as a unique combination of skills and strengths that can be leveraged in delivering results
  • Examine and anticipate potential roadblocks to their team’s performance and mitigate these risks and provide support

This workshop is ideal for:

  • First-time leaders or leaders struggling to give up old definitions of success
  • Leaders that are responsible for departments, divisions, or initiatives
  • Managers transitioning into a leadership role with greater scope and responsibilities

Duration: 90 minutes
Available Formats: In person, Virtual

Driving Team Productivity

Growing Team Culture

Strategic Thinking

Strategic Problem-Solving

Purpose: Helping leaders create the conditions for team productivity by achieving alignment on priorities, executing cooperatively, and continuously learning and improving

By the end of this session, leaders will be able to:

  • Strategically align their team’s priorities for better results
  • Promote increased team communication, collaboration, and coordination
  • Create a virtuous cycle of learning and adapting as the team grows together

This workshop is ideal for:

  • Leaders that are responsible for teams
  • Leaders in a matrixed organization with multiple teams
  • Leaders tasked with executing high-stakes projects

Duration: 90 minutes
Available Formats: In person, Virtual

Purpose: Equipping leaders to enhance team culture by fostering trust and safety, building team cohesion, and embracing conflict through productive dialogue

By the end of this session, leaders will be able to:

  • Create the conditions for psychological safety that lead to authentic conversations, better ideas, and a more creative team atmosphere
  • Foster a strong sense of belonging for all team members
  • Work through team conflicts with dialogue skills aimed at reaching a productive resolution

This workshop is ideal for:

  • Leaders that are responsible for teams
  • Leaders in a matrixed organization with multiple teams
  • Leaders tasked with innovation and other creative challenges

Duration: 90 minutes
Available Formats: In person, Virtual

Purpose: Helping leaders understand the importance of big-picture thinking through a focus on long-term goals, creation of strategic roadmaps, and providing compelling direction for employees across their teams and organizations

By the end of this session, leaders will be able to:

  • Shift from a tactical mindset to a strategic mindset
  • Create strategic direction with milestones, mitigated risks, and necessary support
  • Anticipate their target audience’s reaction to a strategy and tailor communication as needed

This workshop is ideal for:

  • C-suite leaders and others in top levels of leadership
  • Leaders that are responsible for departments, divisions, or initiatives
  • Managers transitioning into a leadership role with greater scope and responsibilities

Duration: 90 minutes
Available Formats: In person, Virtual

Purpose: Enabling leaders to mitigate reactionary responses to problems and look beyond symptoms for root-causes and sustainable solutions

By the end of this session, leaders will be able to:

  • Create focus and priorities through concise problem statements
  • Evaluate root-causes through both rationale- and evidence-based methods
  • Identify and assess appropriate solutions based on data and feasibility

This workshop is ideal for:

  • C-suite leaders and others in top levels of leadership
  • Leaders that are responsible for departments, divisions, or initiatives
  • Leaders responsible for cross-functional problem-solving

Duration: 90 minutes
Available Formats: In person, Virtual

Navigating the Matrix

Thriving in Uncertainty

Leading Change and Transformation

CMI Navigate Skills Workshop

Purpose: Guiding leaders to understand the realities of a matrixed organization and the benefit of actively engaging with and traversing the matrix through strong self-awareness and connections with others – driving improved progress and efficient work across the organization

By the end of this session, leaders will be able to:

  • State their personal value add of expertise and experience to their organization
  • Relate their value to the needs of other individuals and functions
  • Intentionally build new connections that strengthen their social network across the organization

This workshop is ideal for:

  • C-suite leaders and others in top levels of leadership
  • Leaders that are responsible for departments, divisions, or initiatives
  • Managers transitioning into a leadership role with greater scope and responsibilities

Duration: 90 minutes
Available Formats: In person, Virtual

Purpose: Helping leaders understand that having a growth mindset is the driving force of innovation and that building this mindset through curiosity, resourcefulness, and resilience are key to overcoming the unpredictable

By the end of this session, leaders will be able to:

  • Approach new situations and change initiatives in their organizations with a curious and open mind
  • Identify resources and support to simplify, navigate, and overcome challenges
  • Cultivate resilience in the face of the unknown

This workshop is ideal for:

  • Senior leaders leading M&As, restructurings, new market strategies, etc.
  • Leaders that are responsible for departments, divisions, or initiatives
  • Managers tasked with delivering results during a time of crisis or unpredictability

Duration: 90 minutes
Available Formats: In person, Virtual

Purpose: Equipping leaders with the skills and strategies to lead change and business transformations by harnessing crucial change leadership principles and avoiding common pitfalls

By the end of this session, leaders will be able to:

  • Lead an organization from its current state into a stronger, more forward-looking position
  • Set the stage for change by leveraging early adopters and anticipating change resistance
  • “Ride the waves” of constant change

This workshop is ideal for:

  • Leaders in organizations that want to catch up or accelerate transformation
  • Leaders in organizations that want to maintain their place at the head of their market or industry
  • Progressive leaders that want to inspire forward-thinking organizations

Duration: 90 minutes
Available Formats: In person, Virtual

Purpose: Practical coaching skills to help leaders empower and motivate to peak performance – powered by the AIIR Coaching Mindset Index assessment and coaching philosophy

By the end of this session, leaders will be able to:

  • Leverage coaching skills to increase coachee retention, engagement, motivation, and performance
  • Tailor their coaching approach to the unique needs and context of their coachees
  • Empower team members to be more autonomous through effective coaching

This workshop is ideal for:

  • First-time or seasoned coaches
  • Managers
  • Leaders that want to spend less time managing and more time empowering
  • Leaders in flat or matrixed organizations that need leadership at all levels

Duration: Half day (4 hours)
Available Formats: In person, Virtual

CMI Navigate Skills Workshop Pro

Foundations of Inclusive Leadership

Foster Belonging

Breaking Bias for Leaders

Purpose: Practical coaching skills to help leaders empower and motivate to peak performance. Powered by the AIIR Coaching Mindset Index assessment and coaching philosophy – with expanded content on difficult situations and opportunity to practice.

By the end of this session, leaders will be able to:

  • Leverage coaching skills to increase coachee retention, engagement, motivation, and performance
  • Tailor their coaching approach to the unique needs and context of their coaches
  • Empower team members to be more autonomous through effective coaching
  • Navigate challenging coaching conversations with poise and productivity

This workshop is ideal for:

  • First time or seasoned coaches
  • Managers
  • Leaders that want to spend less time managing and more time empowering
  • Leaders in flat or matrixed organizations that need leadership at all levels

Duration: Full day (8 hours)
Available Formats: In person, Virtual

Purpose: Lays the foundation for leaders to understand the business case for DEI, the impact of inclusive leadership, and the mindset and skills of the inclusive leader

By the end of this session, leaders will be able to:

  • Understand what inclusive leadership is and the critical role leaders play in driving a culture of DE&I
  • Recognize the benefits in developing inclusive leaders and the consequences to not doing this
  • Trust that building skills in creating psychological safety, breaking bias, and empowering allyship in others are the keys to getting inclusive leadership right

This workshop is ideal for:

  • Leaders in organizations that want to create a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Leaders that want to understand their role in driving a DEI culture
  • Leaders that want to kick off a DEI learning journey

Duration: 90 minutes
Available Formats: In person, Virtual

Purpose: Leaders understand the imperative to fostering a culture of belonging, the power of creating psychological safety to accomplish this, and how to get it right through conscious inclusion.

By the end of this session, leaders will be able to:

  • Articulate what psychological safety means and why it’s critical to fostering a culture of belonging
  • Demonstrate conscious inclusion by building camaraderie and showing curiosity
  • Step in and pivot situations towards inclusion the moment they witness exclusive behavior

This workshop is ideal for:

  • Leaders that want to help their team members feel safe to bring their authentic selves to work
  • Leaders in charge of under-performing teams
  • Leaders of teams with highly diverse backgrounds, skills, and lived experiences

Duration: 90 minutes
Available Formats: In person, Virtual

Purpose: Leaders recognize the necessity of becoming aware and mitigating unconscious biases as an inclusive leader by identifying bias in the moment, calling biases into the open, and making evidence-based decisions

By the end of this session, leaders will be able to:

  • Mitigate their own biases through awareness and identification of their mentals models
  • Call team bias into the open and into conscious consideration by inviting, sharing, and unifying others when bias is at play
  • Make effective, evidence-based decisions by defining criteria, gathering data, and appraising, for positive system impact

This workshop is ideal for:

  • Leaders that feel overly-influenced by their judgments and assumptions
  • Leaders unsure of how to manage their biases and the biases on their team
  • Leaders of teams with highly diverse backgrounds, skills, and lived experiences

Duration: 90 minutes
Available Formats: In person, Virtual

Empower Allyship

Creating Belief

Persuasive Storytelling

Executive Presence

Purpose: Leaders understand the importance of being allies within their organization and how to consistently show up for others through awareness, exploration, and action.

By the end of this session, leaders will be able to:

  • Generate awareness amongst their team members on personal advantages (tailwinds) they may take for granted and the disadvantages (headwinds) others may overlook or not know about
  • Direct their team members in exploring the headwinds of others by listening to understand, rather than to respond
  • Guide informed action across their teams in leveraging personal tailwinds and positions of power to improve the experiences of others across the organization

This workshop is ideal for:

  • Leaders guiding team members that feel unheard
  • Leaders of teams with highly diverse backgrounds, skills, and lived experiences
  • Leaders who want to drive a speak-up culture

Duration: 90 minutes
Available Formats: In person, Virtual

Purpose: Whether your organization is undergoing a change that requires unity and momentum; you are struggling to garner support for a new initiative; or your push for buy-in is constantly met with resistance, this workshop gives leaders the ingredients to successfully build belief in their people

By the end of this session, leaders will be able to:

  • Understand the psychology behind what it takes to build belief and change readiness within their organization
  • Craft a magnetic narrative that truly resonates with and motivates people
  • Shift mindsets and change the behaviors of those they lead and beyond the organization

This workshop is ideal for:

  • Senior leaders leading M&As, restructurings, new market strategies, etc.
  • Leaders in charge of a team with many skeptics
  • Managers tasked with building buy-in for a change initiative during a time of crisis or unpredictability

Duration: 90 minutes
Available Formats: In person, Virtual

Purpose: Helping leaders master the art and science of persuasive storytelling in business to better inform, influence, and inspire in any context

By the end of this session, leaders will be able to:

  • Effectively source, structure, and craft stories that persuade and inspire action
  • Seamlessly integrate stories into presentations and meetings “off the cuff”
  • Enhance their overall leadership brand through compelling storytelling skills

This workshop is ideal for:

  • Leaders that long to inspire and ignite action in their team
  • Leaders in charge of a team with many skeptics
  • Leaders who want to work on growing their leadership brand both in their organization and beyond

Duration: 90 minutes
Available Formats: In person, Virtual

Purpose: Equipping leaders with proven methods and techniques that build their executive presence and transform leadership potential

By the end of this session, leaders will be able to:

  • Establish a stronger connection with audiences and speak more engagingly
  • Communicate with greater authenticity and confidence
  • Implement vocal delivery and physical delivery techniques that can elevate their leadership impact immediately

This workshop is ideal for:

  • Leaders that are in front of audiences often
  • Leaders that want to have a magnetic effect on others when speaking
  • Leaders that feel their ideas, perspectives, and messages aren’t landing with impact

Duration: 90 minutes
Available Formats: In person, Virtual

Learn More About AIIR® Leadership Development

Leaders face challenges unlike anything they’ve ever faced before. Download our AIIR® Leadership Development one-sheet brochure to learn more about how our solutions equip leaders to overcome these challenges and lead their organizations into the future.

Download the One-Sheet

Are You Ready to Shape a Better Future Together?

Empower your leaders with a Leadership Development solution that leverages data-driven insights, business psychology, and technology to help them navigate the challenges they face today, and those they face tomorrow.

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