Is the coaching craze over? This question was at the center of a recent article that featured AIIR Consulting on a short list of executive coaching firms that create incredible impact for their clients.
The short answer to this question is, “no.”
The coaching industry has experienced explosive growth over the past decade. There are now more than 53,000 professional coaches generating more than $2.4 billion in revenue.
This growth has good reason. As Forbes points out, “Many top executives and business leaders credit coaching as a major cause of their success.” A global survey of coaching clients showed the mean ROI for companies investing in coaching was 7x their initial investment, with more than 25% of these companies reporting ROI between 10 to 49 times their initial investment. And yet, many are becoming weary of the coaching industry. Why?
For every experienced and accredited professional coach practitioner creating value for their clients, there are scores of unaccredited business coaches, life coaches and relationship coaches, to name a few, cluttering up the field. That’s because, as Harvard Business Review observed in a 2004 article, “The Wild West of Executive Coaching,” executive coaching is an unregulated field where anybody can call him or herself a coach.
As the more recent Forbes article states: “From the perspective of an aspiring entrepreneur setting up shop as a coach can make a lot of sense. It requires no credentials and little overhead to get started.”
“The downside to this trend is that it enables less-than-qualified individuals to charge considerable sums of money for their advice. What’s needed are ways to distinguish the real pros from the empty vessels.”
How does AIIR Consulting distinguish itself from the “empty vessels?”
The AIIR Global Coaching Alliance is a network of senior-level executive coaches who possess not only professional accreditation but a unique combination of business experience and advanced training in the behavioral sciences. Together, AIIR coaches have spent hundreds of thousands of hours coaching the world’s top executives, leaders, and teams. And, we conduct monthly peer supervision to maximize results.
We arm our coaches with the scientific rigor of the AIIR Method — Assessment, Insight, Implementation, Reinforcement — a systematic, four-stage framework that draws from cognitive psychology, behavioral psychology, psychodynamic theory, and neuroscience to create a simple, logical and business relevant approach that maximizes the impact of coaching engagements.
Our proprietary cloud-based coaching portal maximizes the impact of coaching engagements by increasing collaboration and providing tools the client can access between one-to-one coaching sessions.
Want more information about what sets AIIR Consulting apart? Check out this short video!