7 Design Principles to Bulletproof Leadership Succession Planning

7 Design Principles to Bulletproof Leadership Succession Planning

December 17, 2022

Executives determine countless business outcomes, from employee engagement and turnover to productivity, customer satisfaction, sales, and revenue. Who should lead is one of the most consequential questions for modern organizations.

Yet, while 86% of leaders believe leadership succession planning is important, only 14% think their organizations do it well.

AIIR sifted through mountains of academic literature and our own industry-leading research to identify seven design principles, and a few watch-outs, for executive succession planning.

This paper will help you:

  • Make Succession Planning an Organizational Priority
  • Align and Involve Stakeholders
  • Redefine Leadership
  • Add Organizational Context
  • Rely on Measurement and Data Over Instinct
  • Build in Support and Development
  • Measure Success

With these principles as a guide, your company can get the right players on the bus and build a bench of ready-now leaders capable of leading your organization into the future.

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