Nicholas is a product designer focusing on building cross-platform digital products for companies and startups around the world. He is joining AIIR to take on the development of AIIR’s digital platforms and developing an understanding of customer research and human interaction.

He hails from New Zealand and has traveled the world with his craft. Recently he has been freelancing on the Toptal Network while being based in various Asian countries. Throughout his career, Nicholas has created apps and websites on a national level in New Zealand, trained in his craft in San Francisco, and engaged in startup activity in Asia.

Although Nicholas is focused on design, he is an armchair academic. Enjoying the depth of scientific research and human psychology involved in the business of coaching. He aspires to create tools that distill complex methods down to simple and effective workflows that people love to use. Outside of work, he is an avid combat sports fan, a baker of bread, and an amateur printmaker. Often found cycling around his hometown or carving a new printmaking block in his studio.
