Location: New York City, NY | Language: English

Terrence E. Maltbia is a member of the AIIR Consulting Advisory Board providing a special focus on AIIR’s scientific research, academic partnerships, and overall strategy. Terry is an Associate Professor of Practice for Adult Learning & Leadership Programs in the Department of Organization and Leadership at Teachers College (TC) at Columbia University. He also serves as the Faculty Director for The Columbia Coaching Certification Program, a strategic partnership between TC & The Executive Education Division of The Columbia Business School. Since joining TC in 2006, he has become internationally recognized as a practitioner-scholar in the areas of strategic learning; executive and organizational coaching; global leadership development; and emotional, social, and cultural intelligence. Terry brings nearly a quarter of a century of corporate experience, where he held leadership roles in Sales, Sales Training, Corporate Marketing, Organizational Effectiveness, and Management Consulting, to his research, teaching, and advisory roles.
