The Coaching Mindset Index® Model

Coaching Is A Powerful Skill-Set, But It Doesn’t Always Come Naturally

Leaders today are increasingly asked to coach, but without training, often do not have the skills, strategies, knowledge, and techniques to deliver coaching effectively.

This is not only unproductive but can also be detrimental to employee performance.

Push & Pull

Coaching strategies can be understood in terms of a simple dichotomy: Push Strategies and Pull Strategies.

Push Strategies are consultative, using candid feedback, performance-focused goals, and personal experience to create clarity and direction.

Pull Strategies use a counseling approach, becoming a growth partner by focusing on developmental goals, asking insightful questions, and giving compassionate feedback.

3 Coaching Foundations

Our research has identified the three primary components of every coaching interaction, which we call Coaching Foundations.

Sharing Feedback

Providing information and observations about another’s performance or behavior

Setting Goals

Identifying and consistently monitoring progress toward clear, actionable goals

Finding Solutions

Exploring and implementing productive approaches to challenges and opportunities

6 Coaching Strategies

Each Coaching Foundation has an associated Push Strategy and Pull Strategy.

Candor is the practice of using honesty and directness when providing feedback, especially difficult or potentially painful feedback.

Compassion is the practice of using sensitivity and diplomacy when sharing feedback to protect the esteem and well-being of coachees.

Performance is the practice of motivating coachees to identify and achieve ambitious and measurable results in their work.

Development is the practice of encouraging coachees to identify and pursue experiences, roles, and responsibilities that support their aspirations.

Advocacy is the practice of offering solutions to coachees by sharing ideas, past experience, and expertise.

Inquiry is the practice of helping coachees to solve their own problems by demonstrating curiosity, asking open-ended questions, and listening deeply.