Type: Podcasts

Podcast: The State of Mergers and Acquisitions with Dean Bell, KPMG

In this episode of A Podcast About Leadership, Dave Gloss talks all things mergers and acquisitions with Dean Bell, Head of Markets for Deal Advisory and Strategy practice at KPMG, and a member of the KPMG’s Board of Directors. ... Read More >

A Podcast About Leadership Change Masters

Podcast: Leadership Strategies for Dynamic Environments

In this episode of "A Podcast About Leadership," we talk to author, senior executive coach and former CEO about what it takes to lead amid constant change. ... Read More >

A Podcast About Leadership Tech Tides: Understanding AI's Impact on Leadership with Dr. Bruce Katz

Podcast: Understanding AI’s Impact on Leadership with Dr. Bruce Katz

Introducing A Podcast About Leadership, where we talk to experts about the always-changing challenges leaders face, and the skills they need to succeed. In this episode, we delve into the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on leadership with data scientist, AI expert and author Dr. Bruce Katz. ... Read More >

Dr. Jonathan Kirschner on the You Should Know Podcast

AIIR Founder and CEO Dr. Jonathan Kirschner talks hockey, barbecue, and the key skills leaders need to navigate the challenges they'll face in 2024 and beyond on this episode of WRKdefined podcast You Should Know. ... Read More >

AIIRWaves Episode 3: How Leaders Can Enhance Employee Engagement with Derek Lusk, Ph.D.

In this episode, Thom Fox is joined by Derek Lusk, Ph. D, Head of Executive Assessment at AIIR. In his role, Derek leverages his background in psychology and statistics to forecast success in top leadership roles. ... Read More >

The Power of Bringing Teams Together with Carole Streicher

AIIRWaves Episode 2: The Power of Bringing Teams Together with Carole Streicher

In this episode of AIIRWaves, we bring you an insightful conversation about why bringing teams together is the key to equipping them to succeed in an environment of constant change. ... Read More >

AIIRWaves Episode 1: The Importance of Inclusive Leadership with Gigi Gilliard

In our inaugural episode, AIIR’s Thom Fox and Stephanie Thomas welcome Gigi Gilliard for an insightful conversation about inclusive leadership, and how to get it right. ... Read More >

The Neuroscience of Leadership

Neurobiz Podcast

Listen to a fascinating panel discussion featuring AIIR CEO Dr. Jonathan Kirschner, renowned neuroscientists Drs. Michael Platt and Zab Johnson, and a panel of experts from around the globe, about what new discoveries in neuroscience can reveal about how pressure changes how we lead. ... Read More >