Introducing AIIR Analytics

Introducing AIIR Analytics

May 15, 2023

AIIR Consulting marks a new era of talent management with the launch of a new company, AIIR Analytics, and along with it an innovative leadership skills assessment and a succession planning platform. AIIR Analytics is a people insights company dedicated to helping organizations find and develop top talent for important and critical leadership roles.

Businesses face challenges that are exponentially more complicated than anything they faced in the past, which makes finding the right people to lead your organization more important than ever. But the tools companies use to identify and develop those leaders haven’t changed much in the past 50 years — until now.

“A leader who was evaluated in the 1980s would still recognize executive assessment today,” said Dr. Derek Lusk, an expert in leadership assessment and President of AIIR Analytics. “Nearly every leadership assessment used in organizations today was developed before the Internet. We can do better.”

Built on the AIIR Leadership Framework, a group of twelve leadership dimensions proven to drive business performance, AIIR Analytics’ innovative assessment combines traditional assessment methods with AI-powered tools to accurately assess previously difficult-to-measure dimensions like inspiration, decision making, and innovation.

Assessment data is presented in a detailed report leaders can use to understand their strengths and seize on their development opportunities. This data also feeds AIIR Analytics’ Leadership Planning Platform.  Users can use the platform to understand the current and future needs of their organization, identify and quickly close capability gaps, and monitor the health of their succession plans.

“Organizations have long grappled with the complexities of talent planning and succession planning,” said Dr. Jonathan Kirschner, CEO of AIIR Analytics. “Today we are proud to unveil our revolutionary solution, the LD12 scalable leadership assessment and our Succession Planning Software. This game-changing solution enables organizations to confidently identify high-potential talent and engage in high-stakes succession planning. By leveraging advanced data analytics and scientific methodologies, we are empowering organizations to make informed decisions that will pave the way for their future success.”

For more information about AIIR Analytics and its innovative leadership assessment and succession planning platform, please visit

About AIIR Analytics

AIIR Analytics is a people insights company dedicated to helping organizations find and develop top talent for important and critical leadership roles. Using science and data, AIIR Analytics offers innovative solutions for leadership assessment and succession planning, empowering organizations to make better decisions and accelerate the readiness of high-potential leaders. For more information visit