AIIR Team Effectiveness

Unlock the Extraordinary on your Teams

Your Organization’s Success is Determined by your Leadership Team’s Effectiveness

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How AIIR Equip’s leadership teams to establish a practice of teaming

Industry: Construction

Client Size: 6,400

Need: Executive Coaching, Leader in Transition Support and New Team Integration

Client Challenge:

In June 2021, Bryan was identified as a high-potential candidate within the Southwest region at McCarthy. Bryan was the SVP of higher education and commercial construction. Given his status, he was able to work with a coach to work on his development plan and overall leadership. In June 2022, he was named the President of the Southwest region. During his transition into his new role, he worked with a coach on a strategic transition plan to maximize his first eight months in the role. Additionally, Bryan and his senior leadership team also completed a full-day Team Effectiveness offsite to ensure that they had a firmly grounded set of team principles and a well-defined team charter.

Industry: Professional Services; Consulting; Accounting

Client Size: 265,000 (Direct Client Impact:


Need: New Team Integration; Team Building; Dedicated Team Coaching Resource

Client Challenge:

At the height of COVID, Carole Streicher was promoted to lead the KPMG Deal Advisory & Strategy (DAS) practice.

Beyond the challenge of navigating an ambiguous hybrid workplace, market pressures and now leading a team of her former peers, Carole was proactive in seeking support to help “get the team’s mojo

back”. Fortunately, KPMG had AIIR as their dedicated and proven Executive Development Partner who had been working with teams and leaders across the organization and was familiar with KPMG culture.

Industry: Technology, Entertainment

Client Size: 12,800

Need: Enterprise Team Effectiveness; Establishing a Team COE

Client Challenge:

Facing massive change resulting from COVID disruption, fierce market competition and a looming reduction in force, Netflix sought a partner to help them establish a Team Effectiveness Center of Excellence (COE). The vision was for a highly trained group of L&D leaders and HRBPs to become valuable and versatile Team Effectiveness Resources that could help direct teams and gather meaningful data on aggregate team challenges.


Industry: Engineering, Manufacturing & Construction

Client Size: 10,000

Need: Cohort Leadership Development for all Senior Executives & Partners; Building a Stronger Leadership Team

Client Challenge:

With a recent class of promoted Partners, Burns & McDonnell was seeking support to elevate their approach to leading through the ambiguous and disruptive COVID, Hybrid world that engineering and construction was now facing. Traditionally a firm who hires from within, several members of the newly formed Leadership Team were new to the organization and it was important to build a shared identity of one team. AIIR was tapped to guide all members of the senior leadership group through a customized leadership development journey, specific to the needs of the construction and engineering industry. Additionally, all partners received an executive coach to help personalize the experience and integrate the learnings from the cohort sessions.

How AIIR solves today’s biggest team challenges

Industry: Grocery; Retail

Client Size: 37,000 (Direct Client: 11 Senior Teams)

Need: Influencing the System; Interdepartmental 

Effectiveness; Programmatic Team Effectiveness

Client Challenge:

Following a facilitated AIIR Team Effectiveness journey for the C-Suite of a large family run regional Grocer/Retailer, the Chief People Officer (who brought AIIR with her from a previous company) wish to cascaded the “Practice of Teaming” work to each of the Senior Leader Teams.

Navigating low engagement and high turnover, there was a really need to foster greater collaboration between departments.

The company saw the opportunity to seek support and assess what their teams are doing well and what could use development.

Additionally, most teams were struggling to adapt to a mix-hybrid culture which prioritized the need to build greater connection and clarity on how teams wish to work within their teams and between departments.

Industry: Engineering, Manufacturing & Construction

Client Size: 1,200

Need: Transforming a “Team of Leaders” to a “Leadership Team”; Trusted Advisor to the Board

Client Challenge:

Following a major restructuring, this 120-year-old family run company sought to evolve from a command-and-control leadership culture to one that prioritized shared accountability and ownership of company strategy. Once a final leadership team was identified, the CEO sought support in establishing a new team identity and ways of working that would help the team have tough conversations and the means to hold themselves accountable to a multi-year, multi-million-dollar transformation.



Industry: Engineering, Manufacturing & Construction

Client Size: 2,200

Need: Leadership Succession; Transforming a “Team of Leaders” to a “Leadership Team”; Career Pathways/Org Design

Client Challenge:

Navigating a time of significant leadership transitions, this 80+ year old family run company sought support in preparing for the eventual succession of the current CEO and CFO. Though enjoying success with annual revenues over $1B, the company did not have a formal plan to ensure continuity of leadership. Fortunately, they engaged AIIR to conduct a rigorous assessment of viable candidates and create the necessary career pathways and insights to inform the succession discussion. Additionally, executive and team development opportunities were leveraged to help those departments most effected by the change allowing them to inform the process and mitigate unknown risks to the company.

Industry: Technology; Communications; Entertainment

Client Size: 265,000 (Direct Client DEI Team: 40)

Need: New Team Integration; Team Building; Dedicated Team Coaching Resource

Client Challenge:

During COVID and while adjusting to a Hybrid culture, Comcast merged the Corporate Community Impact and DEI teams. Under the leadership of Dalila Wilson-Scott (Chief Diversity Officer/President of the Comcast NBCUniversal Foundation), this newly formed department found itself needing support to clarify its purpose, ways of working and approach to influencing a political Comcast landscape. Fortunately, Comcast had AIIR as their dedicated and proven Executive Development Partner who had been serving their leaders and teams for over 5 years; aware of the cultural nuances of the organization and how to succeed through such transitions.




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"AIIR Team Effectiveness is the simplest and most robust team solution I have ever worked with." - Head of Leadership Development, EMEA Global Technology Company

Powered by the AIIR® Team Effectiveness Survey

Research shows that teams fundamentally require two basic ingredients to function effectively: Team Culture and Team Productivity.

The AIIR ® Team Effectiveness Survey is a proprietary assessment that measures the essential elements of team effectiveness. It provides powerful information in an easy-to-understand report that teams can use to increase performance.

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Designed Around a Proven Methodology

The AIIR® Method is a proven approach to transforming leaders, teams, and organizations and empowering them to achieve excellence. This data-driven methodology is at the core of everything we do.



Gain an unparalleled understanding of the dynamics that drive leaders, teams, and organization



Leverage decades of experience and expertise to turn assessment data into powerful solutions.



Combine executive coaching, consulting, leadership development, and team effectiveness to create change.



Apply time-tested psychological principles to drive impact beyond the engagement.

Are you ready to shape a better future together?

Empower your teams with a Team Effectiveness solution that leverages data-driven insights, business psychology, and technology to help them navigate the challenges they face today, and those they face tomorrow.

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